DSC NEO is based loosely on the Powerseries. A lot of the programming locations are the same as the older model, with a lot of new ones thrown in. If you've worked with DSC before you'll have no trouble picking this up.
Default Installer Code: 5555
Default Master Code: 1234
User Codes
Adding/Changing Codes
The HS2032 has 72 user codes.
User slot 01 is the master code.
The default master code is 1234.
Adding/changing codes
1) *5 1234 or your master code.
2) XX 2-digit user slot or use the arrow keys to scroll to the user and * to select it.
3) * to select ACCESS CODE.
4) XXXX enter your new 4-digit code.
5) Now scroll using the arrow keys to select USER LABEL with *.
6) You can now input the name, it's similar to old school texting, so prepare to get frustrated.
7) Now scroll using the arrow keys to select SAVE with *.
8) # # # to quit out of programming.
Deleting Codes
Slot 01 is the master code and can't be deleted.
Deleting codes
1) *5 1234 or your master code.
2) XX 2-digit user slot or use the arrow keys to scroll to the user and * to select it.
3) * to select ACCESS CODE.
4) * to delete the code.
5) # # # to quit out of programming.
User Partitions
The HS2032 can have up to 4 partitions enabled, but only one is enabled by default. Check partitioning in basic programming for more info.
Change user partitions
1) *5 1234 or your master code.
2) XX 2-digit user slot or use the arrow keys to scroll to the user and * to select it.
3) 4 or use the arrow keys to scroll to select PARTITION ASSIGNMENT, then * to select.
4) > * use the arrow keys to scroll through each partition and press * to toggle them on or off.
5) # # # to quit out of programming.
User Options
There are 6 different options you can toggle on/off for each user.
Change user options
1) *5 1234 or your master code.
2) XX 2-digit user slot or use the arrow keys to scroll to the user and * to select it.
3) 5 or use the arrow keys to scroll to select USER ATTRIBUTES, then * to select.
4) > * use the arrow keys to scroll through each option and press * to toggle them on or off.
5) Toggle on/off the options you require:
​1 User has access to code programming
​2 Sends a duress signal when code used
​3 User can bypass zones
​4 User has remote access via SMS
​7 The bell will chirp when this code is used
​8 User can only use their code once per day
6) # # # to quit.
To setup user slot 17 to have bypass function:
1) *5 1234
2) 17
3) 6*
4) Toggle option 3 on.
5) #, # to quit.
Duress Codes
Duress codes work the same as a normal user code and can arm/disarm their partitions, but will send a duress signal whenever it's used.
Setup duress codes
1) *5 1234 or your master code.
2) XX 2-digit user slot or use the arrow keys to scroll to the user and * to select it.
3) 5 or use the arrow keys to scroll to select USER ATTRIBUTES, then * to select.
4) > * use the arrow keys to scroll to the duress option and * to toggle it on.
5) # # # to quit out of programming.
To setup user slot 13 as a duress code:
1) *5 1234
2) 13
3) 6*
4) Toggle option 2, the duress option, on.
5) # # # to quit out of programming.
Resetting Codes
If you have lost the master code, you can reset it from installer programming.
Reset master code
1) *8 5555 or your installer code.
2) 006 installer codes location.
3) 002 master code location.
4) XXXX new 4-digit code.
5) #, # to quit.
Reset installer code
If you have lost the installer code, the system must be factory defaulted and reprogrammed.
Factory default system
1) Power the panel down.
2) Remove any wires from the zone 1 and PGM 1 terminal.
3) Wire a loop of cable between them, shorting the 2 terminals out.
4) Power the panel up and after 10 seconds everything should be defaulted and you can remove the wire loop. If not, the panel may be locked.
5) The way to test if the panel has been successfully defaulted is to try *8 5555.
Listen when the panel powers up, if it clicks back and forth 10 times the panel is locked and you are going to have to replace the board.
Hardwired Zones
HS2032 - 8 zones, expandable to 32.
These 5 sections must be setup for your hardwired zone to work correctly.
Set end of line value
​1) Enter programming mode.
2) 013 toggle options 1 and 2 to select your setup:
1 ON, normally closed, ignore option 2
1 OFF, use resistor set in option 2
2 ON, double end of line (2x 5.6k)
2 OFF, single end of line (1x 5.6k)
3) # to save and go back.
More details can be found below, under Zone Wiring Details.
Assign zone types​
1) 001 XXX or use the arrow keys to find your zone, then * to select.
2) XXX enter the 3-digit zone type for your zone. These are a few basic zone types:
000 Not used
001 Entry/exit delay 1
003 Instant/perimeter
005 Interior/follower (bypasses in Stay)
008 Fire
012 Holdup
017 24 hour burglar
042 Holdup
045 Heat
049 Flood
3) # # to save and go back.
Define zone attributes
1) 002 XXX or use the arrow keys to find your zone, then * to select.
2) > * scroll through and toggle on/off the options you want applied to this zone:
1 ON, Audible. OFF, Silent.
2 ON, Bell steady. OFF, Bell pulsed.
3 ON, Chime. OFF, Chime disabled.
4 ON, Bypass. OFF, Bypassing disabled.
5 ON, Can force arm. OFF, Prevents arming.
6 ON, Swinger limit. OFF, Infinite signals.
7 ON, Transmit delay. OFF, Sends instantly.
8 ON, WIRELESS. OFF, Not wireless.
​Press 9 for more options below:
1 ON, NC closed. OFF, Follow section 013.
2 ON, Single EOL. OFF, Follow section 013.
3 ON, Double EOL OFF, Follow section 013.
4 ON, Fast response. OFF, Slow response.
5 ON, 2 way audio enabled.
6 ON, Hold up verification enabled.
3) # # to save and go back.
Every time you change the zone definition it will change the zone attributes, so set these last.
Partition the zones
1) 20X select the location, depending on which partition.
201 Partition 1 zones
202 Partition 2 zones
203 Partition 3 zones
204 Partition 4 zones
2) Scroll using the arrow keys and select the block of zones with *.
3) Scroll through the zones using the arrow keys and toggle zones on or off for that partition with *, # to go back.
4) # # # to quit out of programming.
When a zone is in more than one partition they must all be armed for the zone to be active.
Wireless Zones
Up to 32 zones wirelessly
HS2032 uses PowerG frequency for wireless
RF Receiver (HSM2HOST)
Any zone can be a wireless zone, but it is best to leave the first 8 free for potential hardwired zones. These 5 sections must be setup for your wireless zone to work correctly.​
Enrol the device
​1) Enter programming mode.
2) 804 wireless programming.
3) 000 to enrol new zone.
4) XXX XXX enter the 7-digit ESN (the serial number will be on the device) or press the enrol button on the device. Press * to confirm.
5) XXX enter the 3-digit zone number you want the zone to be.
6) XXX enter the 3-digit zone type for your zone,
here are a few basic zone types:
000 Not used
001 Entry/exit delay 1
003 Instant/perimeter
005 Interior/follower (Bypasses in Stay)
008 Fire
012 Holdup
017 24 hour burglar
042 Holdup
045 Heat
049 Flood
7) > * # now set the partition. Simply scroll through and toggle the partition you want the zone assigned to with *, then # to save.
8) Finally, use the numbers to programme a label for the zone, press * then scroll to SAVE and press *.
9) # # to save and go back.
Setup external input
If using an external input into a door transmitter you will need to change the wireless options:
1) 804 wireless programming.
2) XXX enter the 3-digit zone number you want to edit.
3) 001 to select zone options.
4) 02 * reed switch, toggle off to disable the local alarm contact. Press > for next option.
5) 03 * external switch, toggle on to enable the external alarm contact. Press # to go back.
6) 002 to select EOL options.
7) * toggle on/off the configuration you want, and make sure it reflects your wiring.
8) # to go back.
Test the device
​1) Enter programming mode.
2) 904 wireless programming.
3) XXX enter the 3-digit zone number.
4) Trip the sensor, make sure it is installed or at its install location when testing.
5) The keypad will display the wireless signal strength, aim for good.
6) # # # to quit out of programming.
Delete a Zone
To delete a zone, you must change the zone type to 000. If it is a wireless zone you should also delete the serial number.
Deleting zones
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 001 XXX enter the 3 -digit zone number or use the arrow keys to find your zone, then * to select.
3) 000 change the zone type to 000, null zone.
4) # # to save and go back.
Deleting wireless serial numbers
1) 804 wireless programming.
2) 901 delete zones menu.
3) XXX enter the 3-digit zone number.
4) * to go confirm.
5) # # # to quit out of programming.
All Zone Types
Zone Types:​
000 No Response
001 Entry Delay 1
002 Entry Delay 2
003 Instant
004 Interior. Active in Stay and Away modes.
005 Interior Stay/Away. Active in Away, bypassed in Stay.
006 Entry Delay 1 Stay/Away. Active in Away, bypassed in Stay
007 Delayed Fire
008 Instant Fire
009 Instant Stay/Away Active in Away, bypassed in Stay
010 Interior Delay
011 Day Zone. Buzzes Keypad when disarmed. Normal instant zone when armed.
012 Night Zone Only useful if using Night arming. (Different than Stay)
016 Final door. Set When arming the system arms once this door is closed.
017 24 Hour Burglary
018 24 Hour Bell/Buzzer
023 24 Hour Supervisory
024 24 Hour Supervisory Buzzer
025 Auto Verify Fire
027 Fire Supervisory
040 24 Hour Gas
041 24 Hour CO
042 24 Hour Holdup
043 24 Hour Panic
045 24 Hour Heat
046 24 Hour Medical
047 24 Hour Emergency
048 24 Hour Sprinkler
049 24 Hour Flood
051 24 Hour Latching Tamper
052 24 Hour Non Alarm
056 24 Hour High Temperature
057 24 Hour Low Temperature
060 24 Hour Non Latching Tamper
066 Momentary Keyswitch Arm
067 Maintained Keyswitch Arm
068 Momentary Keyswitch Disarm
069 Maintained Keyswitch Disarm
071 Doorbell Zone Ding-Dong
072 Push to Set
Zone Wiring
Set end of line value
​1) Enter programming mode.
2) 013 toggle options 1 and 2 to select your setup:
1 ON, normally closed, ignore option 2
1 OFF, use resistor set in option 2
2 ON, double end of line (2x 5.6k)
2 OFF, single end of line (1x 5.6k)
3) # # to save and quit.
Hardwiring alarm zones
​1) Wire your alarm loop between the zone and common terminals.
2) Use the configuration set in 013.
3) Program and test your zone.
Hardwiring fire zones
​1) Wire your alarm loop between the zone and common terminals.
2) Install one 5K6 Ohm resistor and the alarm loop in parallel across the normally open contacts of your device.
3) Program and test your zone.​
Hardwiring expander zones
​1) Wire your alarm loop between the zone and common terminals on the expander.
2) Use the configuration set in 013.
3) Program and test your zone.
More info in Zone Expanders.

Zone Partitioning
The HS2032 has 4 partitions available. If you need more you will need to upgrade the system.
Enable/disable partitions
​1) Enter programming mode.
2) 200 enable partitions.
3) Press * to select partitions 1-4.
4) Use the arrow keys > to scroll and toggle partitions on/off with *.
5) # # to save and go back.
You can't disable partition 1, there's no reason you should disable partition 1.
Partition the zones
1) 20X select the location, depending on which partition:
201 Partition 1 zones
202 Partition 2 zones
203 Partition 3 zones
204 Partition 4 zones
2) Scroll using the arrow keys and select the block of zones with *.
3) Scroll through the zones using the arrow keys and toggle zones on or off for that partition with *, # to go back.
4) # # to save and go back.
When a zone is in more than one partition they must all be armed for the zone to be active.
Assign keypad slot
1) 860 this will show the current address of the keypad you are working on. # to go back.
2) 902 module programming.
3) 003 keypad assignment.
4) > * use the arrow keys to scroll and select the current slot of your keypad with *.
5) XX enter the new 2-digit slot 01-08, a long beep will indicate that slot is in use.
6) # # to save and go back.
Repeat for each keypad, be sure to assign unique slots to each keypad.
Assign keypad partitions
1) 860 this will show the current address of the keypad you are working on. # to go back.
2) 86X the last digit of this location should be the keypad address, 1-8.
3) 000 partition assignment.
4) XX enter the 2-digit partition 0
01-04 Partitions
00 Global keypad
5) # # to save and quit.
Change user partition assignment
This is done from outside of programming mode:
1) *5 1234 or your master code.
2) XX 2-digit user slot or use the arrow keys > to scroll to the user and * to select it.
3) 4 or use the arrow keys to scroll to select PARTITION ASSIGNMENT, then * to select.
4) > * use the arrow keys to scroll through each partition, and press * to toggle them on or off.
5) # # # to quit out of programming.
To change partitions
1) Hold down # for 3 seconds.
2) X hold down the partition number you want to go to, 1-4, for 3 seconds.
3) Three beeps and you are in the new partition.
The keypad will timeout and go back to its original partition after 30 seconds.
Keypad Zones
First see if your keypad is compatible, it should have a P/Z terminal on the back for the zone.
Wiring the zone
1) Wire the zone loop of your device across the P/Z and - terminals. Use the wiring configuration setup in 013.
2) If it's a powered device, you can also power it from the + and -.
Assign keypad slot
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 860 this will show the current address of the keypad you are working on. # to go back.
3) 902 module programming.
4) 003 slot assignment.
5) > * use the arrow keys to scroll and select the current slot of your keypad with *.
6) XX enter the new 2-digit slot 01-08 a long beep will indicate that slot is in use.
7) # # to save and go back.
Repeat for each keypad, be sure to assign unique slots to each keypad.
Assign keypad partitions
1) 860 this will show the current address of the keypad you are working on. # to go back.
2) 86X the last digit of this location should be the keypad address, 1-8.
3) 000 partition assignment.
4) XX enter the 2-digit partition 01-04.
5) # to save and go back.
Assign the zone to the keypad
1) 860 this will show the current address of the keypad you are working on. # to go back.
2) 86X the last digit of this location should be the keypad address, 1-8.
3) 023 make sure option 3 is OFF to assign the keypad input as a zone. # to go back.
4) 011 XXX you can now enter the 3-digit zone number you want to use for the keypad zone.
5) # # to save and go back.
Assign zone types
1) 001 XXX or use the arrow keys to find your zone, then * to select.
2) XXX enter the 3-digit zone type for your zone. Here are a few basic zone types:
000 Not used
001 Entry/exit delay 1
003 Instant/perimeter
005 Interior/follower (Bypasses in Stay)
008 Fire
012 Holdup
017 24 hour burglar
042 Holdup
045 Heat
049 Flood
3) # # to save and go back.
Define zone attributes
1) 002 XXX or use the arrow keys to find your zone, then * to select.
2) > * scroll through and toggle on/off the options you want applied to this zone.
1 ON, Audible. OFF, Silent.
2 ON, Bell steady. OFF, Bell pulsed.
3 ON, Chime. OFF, Chime disabled.
4 ON, Bypass. OFF, Bypassing disabled.
5 ON, Can force arm. OFF, Prevents arming.
6 ON, Swinger limit. OFF, Infinite signals.
7 ON, Transmit delay. OFF, Sends instantly.
8 ON, WIRELESS. OFF, Not wireless.
​Press 9 for more options below:
1 ON, NC closed. OFF, Follow section 013.
2 ON, Single EOL. OFF, Follow section 013.
3 ON, Double EOL OFF, Follow section 013.
4 ON, Fast response. OFF, Slow response.
5 ON, 2 way audio enabled.
6 ON, Hold up verification enabled.
3) # # to save and go back.
Every time you change the zone definition it will change the zone attributes, so set these last.
Partition the zones
1) 20X select the location, depending on which partition:
201 Partition 1 zones
202 Partition 2 zones
203 Partition 3 zones
204 Partition 4 zones
2) Scroll using the arrow keys and select the block of zones with *.
3) Scroll through the zones using the arrow keys and toggle zones on or off for that partition with *, # to go back.
4) # # # to quit out of programming.
When a zone is in more than one partition they must all be armed for the zone to be active.
Zone Expanders
The HS2032 can use up to 3 zone expanders increasing it to 32 total hardwired zones.
These instructions are for a HSM2108, 8 zone expander.
Wire the expander
​1) Mount the expander on the side of your can, then wire the unit into the main panels keypad bus (Red, black, yellow and green)​
2) Wire a tamper switch into it or close the tamper loop. Make a loop of wire and wire it between the tamper terminal and any zone common terminal on the expander.
Assign expander slot
1) Record the serial number on the back of the keypad.
2) Enter programming mode.
3) 902 module programming.
4) 000 auto enrol.
5) # # to quit out of programming.
6) Wait one minute.
7) Enter programming mode.
8) 902 module programming.
9) 003 slot assignment.
10) > * use the arrow keys to scroll and select the serial number of your expander with *.
11) XX enter the new 2-digit slot 01-03 a long beep will indicate that slot is in use.
01 zones 9-16
02 zones 17-24
03 zones 25-32
12) # # # to quit out of programming.
Basic Programming
Programming Mode
Default installer code 5555.
To enter programming mode
1) *8 5555 or your installer code.
2) Three beeps and you're in, long beep and you've got the wrong installer code.
To exit programming mode
1) Once in programming mode, pressing #, #, # will exit out of programming.
Programming Rules
To navigate programming mode
1) Once in programming mode, enter a 3-digit location number.
E.g 006 to change the installer codes.
2) When you have successfully entered a location (three beeps) you will either be able to:
Enter a subsection XXX
Enter numerical data, like a phone number
Toggle options (1-8) on and off
* is typically save/progress
# will take you back out of the location
< > will scroll through data​
3) When programming numerical data, 0-9 will programme numbers and * will toggle Hexadecimal on/off:
*1* A,
*2* B,
*3* C,
*4* D,
*5* E,
*6* F.
Quick Install Guide
This is an example of a basic setup. Every install will require unique programming.
The default installer code is 5555.
1) *8 5555 enter programming mode.
2) 001 programme the zone types.
3) 005 system times:
001 Partition 1, setup entry and exit delays
4) 006 installer codes:
001 Installer code XXXX
002 Master code XXXX
5) 013 set the zone EOL.
6) 015 TLM/quick arming:
4 Quick arming on/off.
7 Telephone monitoring on/off.
7) 300 set comm path, 001 receiver 1:
01 Phoneline
05 Auto (GSM)
​8) 301 phone numbers:
001 Phone number 1 XXXXXX....
9) 310 account numbers:
000 System account XXXXFF
001 Partition 1 account XXXX
10) 350 comms format, 001 receiver 1:
* Contact ID
11) 377 auto comm test:
003 Periodic text cycle XXX days
004 Periodic test time XXXX time
12) 380 enable communications​:
1 Communications on/off​
13) 382 enable GSM/alt comms:
5 GSM on/off
14) 804 enroll wireless devices.
15) # # to save and quit.
The HS2032 has 4 partitions available. If you need more you will need to upgrade.
Enable/disable partitions
​1) Enter programming mode.
2) 200 enable partitions.
3) Press * to select partitions 1-4.
4) Use the arrow keys to scroll and toggle partitions on/off with *.
5) # # to save and go back.
You can't disable partition 1, there's no reason you should disable partition 1.
Partition the zones
1) 20X select the location, depending on which partition.
201 Partition 1 zones
202 Partition 2 zones
203 Partition 3 zones
204 Partition 4 zones
2) Scroll using the arrow keys and select the block of zones with *.
3) Scroll through the zones using the arrow keys > and toggle zones on or off for that partition with *, # to go back.
4) # # to save and go back.
When a zone is in more than one partition they must all be armed for the zone to be active.
Assign keypad slot
1) 860 this will show the current address of the keypad you are working on. # to go back.
2) 902 module programming.
3) 003 keypad assignment.
4) > * use the arrow keys to scroll and select the current slot of your keypad with *.
5) XX enter the new 2-digit slot 01-08 a long beep will indicate that slot is in use.
6) # # to save and go back.
Repeat for each keypad, be sure to assign unique slots to each keypad.
Assign keypad partitions
1) 860 this will show the current address of the keypad you are working on. # to go back.
2) 86X the last digit of this location should be the keypad address, 1-8.
3) 000 partition assignment.
4) XX enter the 2-digit partition 0
01-04 Partitions
00 Global keypad
5) # # to save and quit.
Change user partition assignment
This is done from outside of programming mode:
1) *5 1234 or your master code.
2) XX 2-digit user slot or use the arrow keys > to scroll to the user and * to select it.
3) 4 or use the arrow keys to scroll to select PARTITION ASSIGNMENT, then * to select.
4) > * use the arrow keys to scroll through each partition, and press * to toggle them on or off.
5) # # # to quit out of programming.
To change partitions
1) Hold down # for 3 seconds.
2) X hold down the partition number you want to go to, 1-4, for 3 seconds.
3) Three beeps and you are in the new partition.
The keypad will timeout and go back to its original partition after 30 seconds.
Default Programming
If you have lost the master code, you reset it from installer programming
Reset master code
1) *8 5555 or your installer code.
2) 006 installer codes.
3) 002 master code.
4) XXXX new 4-digit code.
5) # # to quit.
Reset system with installer code
1) *8 5555 or your installer code.
2) 999 factory default.
3) 5555 or your installer code.
4) 999 to confirm.
5) # # to quit.
Reset installer code
If you have lost the installer code, the system must be factory defaulted and reprogrammed.
Factory default system
1) Power the panel down.
2) Remove any wires from the zone 1 and PGM 1 terminal.
3) Wire a loop of cable between them, shorting the 2 terminals out.
4) Power the panel up and after 10 seconds everything should be defaulted and you can remove the wire loop. If not, the panel may be locked.
5) The way to test if the panel has been successfully defaulted is to try *8 5555.
Listen when the panel powers up, if it clicks back and forth 10 times the panel is locked, you are going to have to replace the board.
Phoneline Monitoring
Enable communications
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 380 comms options 1.
3) 1 toggle on to enable.
4) # to save and go back.
Set comm path
1) 300 set comm path.
2) 001 receiver 1.
3) 01 phoneline.
4) # to go back.
5) 002 receiver 2.
6) 01 phoneline.
7) # # to save and go back.
Program phone numbers
1) 301 receiver number 1.
2) 001 receiver 1 phone number.
3) XXXXX... enter the monitoring station
receiver number, ending with an F (*6).​
*2* B - Sets a * press when dialling
*3* C - Sets a # press when dialling
*4* D - Additional dial tone search
*5* E - 2 second pause
*6# F - End of phone number marker
4) # # to save the number and go back.
5) 302 receiver number 2.
6) 002 receiver 1 phone number.
7) XXXXX... enter the backup monitoring station receiver phone number
receiver number, ended with an F (*6).​
8) # # to save the number and go back.
Program account numbers
1) 310 account numbers.​
2) 000 system partition account XXXXFF.
3) 00X partition account (1-4) XXXX.
4) # # to save and go back.
Comms format
1) 350 communication format.
2) 001 receiver 1, scroll and toggle a format:
* Contact ID
3) 002 receiver 2, scroll and toggle a format:
* Contact ID
4) # # to save and go back.
Periodic test
1) 377 auto comm test.
2) 003 periodic text cycle XXX days.
3) 004 periodic test time XXXX.
4) # to save and go back.
Report codes
1) 307 zone alarm reports. Select a zone, then scroll through and toggle on/off the reporting options with *.
2) # to go back to zones, # again to go back.
3) 308 event reports, select an option, then scroll through and toggle on/off the reporting options with *.
4) # to go back to options, # again to go back.
5) # # # to quit.
You can turn events off/on to prevent certain signals from being sent to the monitoring. By default all events are on.
TL880 GSM Monitoring
Install the GSM
1) Mount the GSM outside the can and wire it into the comm board mounted on the inside of the can.
2) Wire in 12v power and ground.
3) Wire the TX+ and TX- from the GSM to the RX+ and RX- of the comm board, then do the same for the other pair.
(They switch from one end to the other but do not swap polarity, if it is positive on the GSM it should be positive on the comm board.)
4) Use the provided ribbon cable to go from the comm board to the top right connector on the the HS2016 board PC LINK 2.
(The red cable on the HS2016 should be pointed to the right, the red cable on the comm board should be pointed to the 12v+ terminal)
Enable communications
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 380 comms options 1.
3) 1 toggle on to enable.
4) # to save and go back.
Set comm path
1) 300 set comm path.
2) 001 receiver 1.
3) 02 auto comms GSM.
4) # to save and go back.
Enable the GSM
1) 382 enable GSM/alt comms:
5 GSM on/off.
2) # to save and go back.
Program account numbers
1) 310 account numbers.​
2) 000 system partition account XXXXFF.
3) 00X partition account (1-4) XXXX.
4) # to save and go back.
Periodic test
1) 377 auto comm test.
2) 003 periodic text cycle XXX days.
3) 004 periodic test time XXXX.
4) # to save and go back.
Report codes
1) 307 zone alarm reports. Select a zone, then scroll through and toggle on/off the reporting options with *.
2) # to go back to zones, # again to go back.
3) 308 event reports, select an option, then scroll through and toggle on/off the reporting options with *.
4) # to go back to options, # again to go back.
5) # # # to quit.
You can turn events off/on to prevent certain signals from being sent to the monitoring. By default all events are on.
Disable Comms
Disable communications
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 380 comms options 1.
3) 1 toggle off to disable.
4) # to save and go back.
Delete phone numbers
1) 301 phone number 1.
2) *66666... program all F's to delete.
3) # to save and go back.
Disable GSM
1) 382 disable the GSM.
2) Toggle 5 OFF:
5 OFF, GSM disabled.
3) # to save and go back.
Disable phone trouble
1) 015 system options 3.
2) Toggle 7 OFF:
7 OFF, TLM trouble disabled.
3) # to save and go back.
Report Codes
You can turn events off/on to prevent certain signals from being sent to the monitoring. By default all events are on.
Program report codes
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 307 zone alarm reports. Select a zone, then scroll through and toggle on/off the reporting options with *.
3) # to go back to zones, # again to go back.
4) 308 event reports, select an option, then scroll through and toggle on/off the reporting options with *.
In 308 you can also punch in the 3 digits of a sub location.
There are a lot of events you can customize, here are a few key reporting codes:​
201 Opening/closing
011 Keypad panic alarms
221 Bypassing
301 AC and battery loss
5) # # # to save and quit.
DLS Downloading
User initiated connection
1) * 6 followed by a user code XXXX.
2) > scroll to SYSTEM SERV/DLS, press *.
3) > scroll to USER CALLUP, press *.
4) # to go back.
DLS options
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 406 number of rings to answer on 010.
3) # to save and go back.
4) 401 toggle options 1-6 on/off:
1 ON, double call answer enabled
2 ON, user opens DLS window (*6, 5)
3 ON, panel will answer then callback
4 ON, users can initiate DLS (*6, 05)
6 ON, DLS 300 baud, OFF DLS 110 baud
7 ON, GSM DLS always enabled (*6, 05)
5) # to save and go back.
DLS phone number
1) 402 computer download phone number.
2) XXXXX...F enter your DLS modem phone number, ended with an F (*6).
*1* A - Not used
*2* B - Sets a * press when dialling
*3* C - Sets a # press when dialling
*4* D - Additional dial tone search
*5* E - 2 second pause
*6* F - End of phone number marker
3) # to save and go back.
DLS access code
1) 403 access code, up to 6 digits XXXXXX.
2) # to save and go back.
Panel identification code
1) 404 access code, up to 6 digits XXXXXX.
2) # # to save and quit.
View/Silence Troubles
The trouble light will light up when there is a system fault present. The keypads will also beep twice every 10 seconds until the fault has been acknowledged.
1) Press * 2 to view troubles.
2) Follow the prompts to diagnose the trouble.
3) Press # to quit.​
Service Faults
Trouble 01 – Service Required:
1) Bell Circuit Trouble
The bell circuit is open. If it's not in use, put a resistor across it.
2) RF Jam
The HSM2HOSTx has detected an RF Jam condition.
3) Aux Supply Trouble
The alarm controller, HSM2204 or HSM2300 has an over-current condition on Aux. Disconnect all wires and reconnect them one at a time to find the problem.
4) Time and Date
If you have a loss of time you can set the clock:
1) Press #, # to go back.
2) Press *, 6.
3) 1234 01, enter your master code then 1.
4) XXXX enter the time, 24 hour.
5) XX XX XX enter the date, MM/DD/YY.
6) Press #, # to go back.
5) Output 1 Fault
An HSM2204 module has detected an open condition on output #1. If it's not in use, put a resistor across it.
Module Low Battery
Trouble 02 – Module Battery Trouble:
1) Panel Low Battery Trouble
The battery voltage (under load) is below 11.5V. Restores at 12.5V.
2) Panel No Battery
No battery connected to alarm controller.
4) HSM2204 01 - 04 Low Battery
An HSM2204 has a battery voltage less than 11.5V.
5) HSM2204 01 - 04 No Battery
No battery connected to HSM2204.
7) HSM2300 01 - 04 Low Battery
An HSM2300 has a battery voltage less than 11.5V.
8) HSM2300 01 - 04 No Battery
No battery connected to HSM2300.
Bus Voltage
Trouble 03 – Bus Voltage:
1) HSM2HOSTx Bus Low Voltage
The HSM2HOSTx module has measured less than 6.3V on its Aux input.
2) Keypad 01 - 16 Bus Low Voltage
A hardwired keypad has a bus voltage of less than 6.9V for ICON/LCD (RF version) and 7.7V for non-RF models.
4) HSM2108 01 - 15 Bus Low Voltage
A zone expander has a bus voltage of less than 5.9V.
5) HSM2300 01 - 4 Bus Low Voltage
A power supply has a bus voltage of less than 6.9V.
6) HSM2204 01 - 4 Bus Low Voltage
A high current output module has a bus voltage of less than 6.9V.
8) HSM2208 01 - 16 Bus Low Voltage
The low current output module has detected a voltage less than 5.9V on its Aux input.
AC Trouble
Trouble 04 – AC Troubles:
1) Zone 001 - 128 AC Trouble
An AC trouble has been detected on a PGX934 PIR + camera.
3) Siren 01 - 16 AC
A siren has an AC trouble.
4) Repeater 01 - 08 AC
A wireless repeater has an AC trouble.
5) HSM2300 01 - 04 AC
An HSM2300 has an AC trouble.
6) HSM2204 01 - 04 AC
An HSM2204 has an AC trouble.
7) Panel AC
The alarm controller has an AC failure condition.
Device Faults
Trouble 05 – Device Faults:
1) Zone 001 - 128
A zone is in fault. Additional information displayed on LCD keypads for certain wireless zones. Also generated by a short on hardwired zones when DEOL is used or by a wireless supervisory fault.
2) Keypad 01 - 16
A wireless or hardwired keypad is in fault.
3) Siren 01 - 16
A siren is in fault.
4) Repeater 01 - 08
A wireless repeater is in fault (supervisory or loss of AC/DC).
Device Low Battery
Trouble 06 – Device Low Battery:
1) Zone 001- 128
Wireless zone has a low battery.
2) Keypad 01-16
Keypad has a low battery.
3) Siren 01 - 16
Siren has a low battery.
4) Repeater 01 - 08
Repeater has a low battery.
5) User 01 - 95
Wireless Key has a low battery.
Device Tampers
Trouble 07 – Device Tampers:
1) Zone 001 - 128 Tamper
A wireless or hardwired zone configured for DEOL operation is in tamper.
2) Keypad 01 - 16 Tamper
A hardwired or wireless keypad is in tamper.
3) Siren 01 - 16 Tamper
A wireless siren is in tamper.
4) Repeater 01 - 08 Tamper
A wireless repeater is in tamper.
User Functions
To arm the system you must first make sure you have closed all doors and windows and the green ready light is on. If it is not on, use the arrow keys to view which zones are open.
To arm away
1) 1234 enter a user code.
2) The exit delay should start and the red armed LED should be on.
3) Leave the building through an entry/exit zone, this will notify the system to arm away mode.
To quick arm away
1) Hold down the AWAY button for 3 seconds.
2) You may need to enter a code, depending on programming:
015 option 4 off, no code required
To arm stay
1) 1234 enter a user code.
2) The exit delay should start and the red armed LED should be on.
3) Stay in the building and do not open an entry/exit zone, this will notify the system to arm stay mode.
To quick arm stay
1) Hold down the STAY button for 3 seconds.
2) You may need to enter a code, depending on programming:
015 option 4 off, no code required
To disarm the alarm
1) 1234 enter a user code.
2) The red armed LED should turn off after 3 beeps.
Away mode will arm everything, stay mode will bypass interior zones and just arm up the perimeter.
You cannot bypass 24 hour zones.
To bypass a zone
1) Ensure the system is disarmed.​
2) * 1 you may need to enter your code here.
3) > * scroll through the zones and press * to bypass a zone.
4) Press # to save and quit.
To unbypass a zone
1) Simply arming then disarming the partition will clear all bypassed zones.
Bypassing zones will disable them for the next time the system is armed. The zones being bypassed and the user code (if needed) must have the bypass attribute.
Programming code to bypass​
You can programme the system so you need a valid code to bypass a zone:​
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 023 system options 4.
3) 4 toggle it on/off:
4 ON code required to bypass
4 OFF code not required to bypass
Perimeter and entry zones are setup automatically to chime, you can change it in zone attributes.
To turn chime on
1) Ensure the system is disarmed.
2) Hold down the chime button.
3) There should be three beeps to confirm.
To turn chime off
1) Ensure the system is disarmed.
2) Hold down the chime button.
3) There should be one long beep to confirm.
Change Partitions
If the system has multiple partitions you can temporarily change the keypad to another partition.
To change partitions
1) Hold down # for 3 seconds.
2) X hold down the partition number you want to go to, 1-4, for 3 seconds.
3) Three beeps and you are in the new partition.
The keypad will timeout and go back to its original partition after 30 seconds.
Onboard Outputs
Programmable outputs can be setup to do many things, from driving a siren to unlocking a door.
All you need is to first assign a PGM type, then change the PGM options and timers if needed.
Set the PGM type
1) Enter programming mode.
2) 009 PGM types programming.
3) > * use the arrow keys to scroll through and select a PGM, then * to select.
4) XXX enter the 3-digit PGM type or use the arrow keys > to scroll through and select a PGM type then * to select.
Common PGM types:
101 Fire and burglary, standard siren
103 Sensor reset, PGM always on (negative), turns off for 5 seconds with * 7 2
111 Keypad buzzer follow, the door chime and entry/exit beeps
115 Armed status, PGM will activate when the assigned partitions are armed
200 Follow zone, output will activate when the zone is open (select zone in 011).​
5) # # To save and go back.
PGM times
1) 008 PGM time.
2) 000 minutes/seconds:
Minutes ON, time in minutes
Minutes OFF, time in seconds
3) # to go back.
4) XXX enter your 3-digit PGM number.
5) XXX enter time from 001 - 255.
6) # # to save and go back.
This time is only relevant for some PGM types.
PGM partition
1) 007 PGM types programming.
2) XXX enter your 3-digit PGM number.
3) * toggle on/off the partitions it is assigned to:
1 Partition 1
2 Partition 2
3 Partition 3
4 Partition 4
4) # # to save and go back.
This is only relevant for some PGM types.
PGM options
1) 010 PGM types programming.
2) XXX enter your 3-digit PGM number.
3) * toggle on/off the options available. The options will differ depending on the PGM type.​
4) # # # to save and quit.
Relay Modules
There are several modules that can add outputs, setting them up is essentially the same.
Setting up relay modules
1) Wire the module into the keybus.
2) Enter programming mode.
3) 902 module programming.
4) 001 auto enrol module. This will enrol the unit. # to go back.
5) 903 confirm module.
6) 000 view all modules, use arrow keys to check serial number and address's.
HSM2204 #01, PGMS 5-8
HSM2204 #02, PGMS 9-16
HSM2204 #03, PGMS 17-24
7) # # # to save and quit.
Output Examples
These are some common examples of outputs being utilized on a system.
PGM 2 activates a siren on partition 2
1) Wire a siren into PGM 2 and Aux+.
2) Enter programming mode.
3) 009 PGM types programming.
4) 002 PGM 2.
5) 101 this sets the PGM to activate on fire and burg.
6) # # to go back.
7) 007 PGM partition programming.
8) 002 PGM 2.
9) * make sure partition 2 is the only partition enabled.
10) # # # to save and quit.
11) Test an alarm on partition 2.
PGM 1 activates a chime on zone 1
1) Wire a buzzer/chime into PGM 1 and Aux+.
2) Enter Programming mode.
3) 009 PGM types programming.
4) 001 PGM 1.
5) 200 this sets the PGM to follow a zone.
6) # # to go back.
7) 011 PGM configuration.
8) 001 enter your 3-digit PGM number.
9) 001 this sets the PGM to follow zone 1.
10) # # to save quit programming mode.
11) Test the zone/chime.